Art Direction + Packaging Design Strategy
Jo Cutri Studio developed a packaging design strategy for South Africa’s premier online natural health store, Faithful To Nature for their own brand. Spanning over 200 products and across 5 different ranges, including Pantry, Organic, Personal + Home Care and a Beauty Range.
The aim was to create an iconic brand look to span the entire product range while keeping each of the 5 groups unique and creating a strategy that future proofed the growing range.
The colours for the Pantry range are combinations of bright, bold colours and abstract illustrations while at the other end of the spectrum, the Beauty range uses a more rich and organic palette.
All Faithful To Nature cartons are 100% compostable, printed using vegetable based ink on cardboard from sustainably managed forests and signature bio-bags based on plant cellulose.
Production/Art Direction: Elana Esterhuyse
Finished Art: Gail Yule-Gerber & Cilna Katzke
Photographer: Frances Marais
Creative Pool
World Brand Design
Packaging Of The World
Favorite Design